









会议拟邀请多名国际著名会计学者,包括Journal of Business Ethics联席副主编、西交利物浦大学会计系Steven Dellaportas教授;Accounting Horizon主编、Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance副主编、会计领域ESGCSR研究创始人、南方科技大学讲席教授曾晓亮;Accounting and FinanceManagerial Auditing Journal 副主编、南京审计大学内部审计学院副院长廖林副教授。






  1. 会议主题


  2. 会议时间


  3. 论文提交









  4. 研讨会初步安排

    一)525日上午900-1200  主旨演讲

    (二)525日下午130-530   论文分享及点评


    Steven Dellaportas 西交利物浦大学

    Lin Liao 南京审计大学



    余鹏翼 广东外语外贸大学

    龙文滨 广东外语外贸大学

    曹瑜强 广东外语外贸大学





  1. Steven Dellaportas 西交利物浦大学

    Steven Dellaportas是中国西交利物浦大学会计学教授,已在国际期刊上发表了50多篇文章,主要研究领域为会计职业道德,研究兴趣包括道德准则、欺诈、职业精神和道德教育。Steven教授已受邀在澳大利亚、亚洲、英国和美国开展了一系列的研究演讲活动,担任多个编辑委员会的成员,目前担任Journal of Business Ethics会计议题的联合编辑,并且是Managerial Auditing Journal Accounting Education会计特刊的特邀编辑。此外,Steven教授出版了两本教材,其中,近期的Principles of Ethics and Corporate Governance in Financial Services教材分别发行了英文与日文版本。同时,Steven教授也负责会计机构职业发展计划中道德主题相关内容的建设。




  1. 曾晓亮  南方科技大学

    曾晓亮教授,美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(UTD)会计学博士,博士生导师。现任南方科技大学商学院会计系讲席教授,会计学创系筹备负责人,广东省十四届人大常委会财经咨询专家,深交所上市公司独立董事ESG价值管理培训导师。会计领域CSR/ESG研究创始人,国际会计学界最高荣誉 - 美国会计协会(AAA会计文献杰出贡献奖获得者。加入南方科技大学前,曾教授曾任职于加拿大约克大学舒立克商学院,香港中文大学和香港理工大学均获终身教职。



  1. 廖林 南京审计大学

    南京审计大学内部审计学院副院长、副教授,博士生导师、中国政府审计研究中心国际学术研究与交流部主任,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(UNSW)会计学博士,入选爱思唯尔2020年和2022年中国高被引学者。主要研究方向为审计、企业社会责任、公司金融等,主要成果发表在The Accounting Review, Journal of Business EthicsPacific Basin Finance JournalBritish Accounting ReviewAccounting and FinanceSSCI英文学术期刊,同时担任The Accounting Review, AJPT, Journal of Accounting and Public PolicyJournal of Business EthicsAccounting and FinanceAccountingAuditing and Accountability JournalSSCI英文期刊匿名审稿人。目前担任国际知名SSCI期刊《Accounting and Finance》和《Managerial Auditing Journal》 副主编




    The organizing committee is pleased to announce that the 6th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting is going to be held on May 25th, 2024 in a hybrid mode-a combination of in-person and online participants. The theme of the conference is Research on Innovative Development of Financial Affairs, Accounting, and Audit in the New Era. In recent years, financial affairs, accounting, and auditing disciplines have played important roles in sustainable economic development, building bridges between enterprises and capital markets, carrying important information and value functions. Exploring the innovation and development of financial affairs, accounting, and auditing disciplines in the new era is an important issue of the times. In order to promote the development of the discipline, keep up with the pace of the times and the preface of the discipline, the School of Accounting at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies specially hosts this international academic seminar. Taking this as an opportunity, renowned scholars, young teachers, and doctoral students from both domestic and abroad are invited to jointly explore research on innovative development in financial affairs, accounting, and auditing in the new era.


    The conference is scheduled on May 25th, 2024  setting out the following objectives:

    · Accounting and Sustainable Development

    · Dual Carbon Strategy and Environmental Accounting

    · Corporate ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Behavior and Information Disclosure

    · Corporate Ethics and Governance in the Digital Era

    · Innovation in Audit Governance in the Digital Era


    The conference plans to invite several internationally renowned accounting scholars, including Professor Steven Dellaportas from the Accounting Department of Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University, who also serves as the co-editor of Journal of Business Ethics; Zeng Xiaoliang, Editor in Chief of Accounting Horizon, Associate Editor of Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, founder of ESG and CSR Research in Accounting, and Chair Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology; Associate Professor Liao Lin, Associate Editor in Chief of Accounting and Finance and Managerial Auditing Journal, and Vice Dean of the School of Internal Audit at Nanjing Audit University.


    The main purpose of this seminar is to strengthen the communication and connection between research scholars in the fields of finance, accounting, and auditing at home and abroad, especially in the construction of characteristic and advantageous disciplines, teacher team cooperation, and graduate education. The seminar welcomes papers from the fields of accounting and management, and particularly encourages young teachers and graduate students to submit papers in English. The conference was also supported by Nanjing Audit University and the Xi’An JiaoTong Liverpool University.

    一、Conference Theme

    Research on Innovative Development of Financial Affairs, Accounting, and Audit in the New Era


  2. Conference scheduled

    May 25th, 2024

三、Paper submission

For those who are interested in presenting a paper in the conference, please send your full paper in English in PDF to the workshop coordinator (academicmaster@163.com) by April 22th, 2024. Please indicate “your name + paper title” in the subject of email. Due to the nature of the conference, we only accept English papers. Authors will be notified of decisions by April 30th, 2024.


四、Conference Mode

The conference will be held in a hybrid mode - a combination of in-person and online participants. The official language is English.



五、Conference Fee

The registration fee for this conference is 800 yuan per person, and the student registration fee is 600 yuan per person. Travel and accommodation expenses will be borne by oneself. The authors selected for the conference paper report are exempt from conference fees.


六、Proposed Program Schedule

() May 25th, 2024(9:00am-12:00am):Keynote Speeches

() May 25th, 2024(1:30pm-5:30pm):Presentation and Discussio


七、Co founding Chairs

Steven Dellaportas - Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University

Lin Liao - Nanjing Audit University


八、Conference Chairs

Yu Pengyi - Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Long Wenbin - Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Cao Yuqiang -  Guangdong University of Foreign Studies


  1. Co-founding Chairs Profiles



    Professor Steven Dellaportas

    Steven Dellaportas is a Professor of Accounting at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China. Steven has published over 50 articles in international peer-review journals. Professional ethics in accounting is his primary area of research and his interest is in codes of ethics, fraud, professionalism and ethics education. Steven’s research has led to a number of invited presentations in Australia, Asia, UK and the US. Steven is a member on several editorial boards and is presently the Co-Editor for the Accounting Section of the Journal of Business Ethics. Steven has also been guest editor on special issues in accounting for journals such as Managerial Auditing Journal and Accounting Education. Steven is the lead author of two textbooks, the most recent titled: Principles of Ethics and Corporate Governance in Financial Services, published in English and Japanese. Steven is also a content developer on ethics subject matter for accounting bodies in their professional development programs.


  1. Professor Albert Tsang

    Professor Albert Tsang, Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), is currently a chaired professor in the Department of Accounting at the School of Business at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). He also serves as the leader of the preparatory team for the establishment of the Accounting Department and as a financial consultant for the 14th Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress. Additionally, he is the instructor for independent directors of companies listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and a trainer in ESG value management.

    Professor Tsang is recognized as a pioneer in CSR/ESG research in the field of accounting and has received the highest honor in the international accounting community, the Distinguished Contribution to Accounting Literature Award from the American Accounting Association (AAA). Prior to joining SUSTech, Professor Zeng held tenured positions at the Schulich School of Business at York University in Canada, as well as at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


  1. Associate Professor Liao Lin

    Liao Lin is a PhD Supervisor, associate dean and associate Professor of School of Internal Audit, Nanjing Audit University. He is the director of International Academic Research and Exchange Department of Chinese Government Audit Research Center, PhD in Accounting from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia, and selected as one of the Chinese Highly Cited Scholars by Elsevier in 2020 and 2022. His main research interests include auditing, corporate social responsibility, corporate finance, etc. His major achievements have been published in The Accounting Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, British Accounting Review, Accounting and Finance and other SSCI English academic journals. He also serves as an anonymous reviewer for The Accounting Review, AJPT, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Journal of Business Ethics, Accounting and Finance, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, and other SSCI English journals. Currently, he is an associate editor of Accounting and Finance and Managerial Auditing Journal, which are internationally recognized SSCI journals.





上一篇: 王艳艳教授来我院开展国社科指导会 助力会计学院和管理学科项目申报

下一篇: 陈文瑞讲师和郑曼妮讲师主讲云山会计论坛第十期